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Meet Emmily, Artona Ambassador 2021

Graduating in a couple weeks, Emmily is a member of student council and yearbook at New Westminster Secondary. She also works part-time, goes to yoga and dances recreationally and competitively.

On top of all of this, she was one of the first to sign on as an Artona ambassador for #Grad2021.

We recently asked her how it feels to be graduating:

"It feels amazing. I have been waiting to walk across the stage and get my diploma and to start my life officially. With Covid, the circumstances are a bit different from what I’ve been dreaming my whole life but we must adapt to what is happening around us"

When it came to giving advice to younger students, she had a lot of good insight on staying in the present moment:

"Relationships come and go, including friends and romantic ones. The key is to not let the other people dictate and judge who you are — the only opinion that matters is yours. Enjoy high school while you can. You only have a high school experience once so make the most of it. Last but not least, live in the moment and don’t dwell on the future or the past — focus on the present and move forward"

We also talked a bit about student mental health and how Covid has impacted her:

"All the isolation and staying inside really made me anxious and start to overthink the future. But the good thing that came out of it was that I learned how to cope better and how to not spiral out of control. I began to understand how to center myself"

She also had a lot of good things to say about her experience with us:

"Taking my Artonas was the absolute best experience and was a great kick off to my senior year. The staff is incredibly friendly and make you feel super comfortable to take your pictures. Overall, I definitely will be coming back to do my pictures when I am graduating university"

Emmily recently got accepted into the University of Victoria to study psychology, so she'll be moving there this fall. We wish you all the best Emmily and we can't wait to see you again when you graduate from UVic!


Interested in applying for the #Grad2022 Ambassador Program? Applications are now open here.

Want to congratulate Emmily on her upcoming graduation? Leave a comment below!


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