As of March 11, 2022, wearing masks in public indoor settings is no longer required by BC's provincial health order. At Artona, masks are no longer required but recommended. We will continue to provide masks to those who need them, as well as maintain our existing safety measures.

In addition to the measures above, most of our team has been participating in the Rapid Testing for COVID-19 Screening in the Workplace Initiative since January 14th.
Before coming to your appointment, you'll need to complete this Covid-19 self-assessment. We'll also send it to you via email 24 hours beforehand. If you are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, have been in contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19, or traveled outside of BC within the last 14 days, you will need to reschedule your appointment.
If you have any questions or need more information, please reach out to us by email at or live chat on our website here.
We are committed to making sure all our grads have a safe, memorable experience and get the beautiful photographs they deserve. We can't wait to see you!
Last updated: March 11, 2022